Yesterday, we had:
1. Meltdown by Trout over pants. Pants. She wanted to wear shorts, well, actually, a skort that is too small and therefore barely covered her butt, and it was 50 degrees here yesterday morning. I told her pants. She freaked, said she didn't like the pants SHE picked out in the first place. I went in her room and pulled out five pairs, then said, pick one. She continued to freak. BigDaddyFish took over before I killed her.
2. Meltdown by Little Man because he didn't want to go to school. He's done this the past couple of school days, told us he was sick when he wasn't because he didn't want to go to school. It's the second week, people. It's preschool - not hard academic work, but basically play. It was his sharing day and he had told me he wanted to bring his transformer, but yesterday decided he wanted to bring his stuffed Max (from Where the Wild Things Are) instead. Max is lost. Little Man flipped out - shouting "I'm NOT GOING!" at the top of his lungs. I told him I would find Max while he was at school, but he had to go. It took a while, I am far more able to patient with him than Trout, though, so I got him calmed down and off to school.
3. BigDaddyFish has been sick and had trouble getting up. He was clearly not going to get any kid to school on time.
4. I took Little Man to school. BDF usually does this on the way to work. He took Trout. He refused to write her a note, and in fact told the school why she was late when they got there. Truant already, in first grade.
5. There was an accident on 270 near 370, right where we need to go to Little Man's school. Took alternate route instead - of course, there was a broken down car in the middle of three lanes - no lights, no flashers, NO OCCUPANT. Because of the accident on 270, the alternate road had heavy traffic due to bail outs. Took forever to get around broke down car.
6. Little Man was 1/2 hour late. Trout was an hour late.
7. People were driving crazy - was in two near misses, witnessed four more. Worse than usual.
8. Target checkout, bagging nightmare (see previous post) - the oddest experience I've had shopping, I think.
9. I have been cutting it too close the last couple of days picking up Little Man, so I leave a bit early. There is another accident on my route - I just make it again. I'm in our fifth year at that school - this is the first time there have been accidents both ways.
10. Teacher says Little Man isn't eating his lunches, and it's a problem. Have no idea what to send him with -- he's picky and it is a nut free school. He's been acting strange - come to find out he's afraid we won't love him anymore once the baby comes. That's why he hasn't been wanting to go to school. I spent extra time with him yesterday afternoon, and will make more of an effort than I already do to spend more one-on-one time with him. I reassured him that we will always love him, no matter what, and he asked "what if God decides we need to have more kids than just one?" How sweet is that? I explained that if we have one more kid or 30 more, we'd always love him. Always. I think he feels better.
11. Trout brings home a note on her "Learning Skills" log (like a behavior log) that says she's been talking too much and interrupting class. Still trying to figure out what to do about that. It is the same note my mother got every month of my school career.
12. Gave everyone bagels and cheese for dinner.
Now, family time - going apple picking. Actually, I won't be picking many apples, seeing as how 7.5 months pregnant and ladders don't mix well. Will let ya know how it goes.
Oh, yeah, check out Carmen's post today - one of the best I've ever read about the reality of motherhood and how we tend not to see it in others.
Sounds like LM has middle child syndrome... Trout is always going to get to do stuff first and Sunny and Sir-Not-Yet-Appearing-In-This-Film are always going to get more attention. Solution is one-on-one special treats. Fishing with daddy, stuff like that.
I still want to kidnap them and take them for cookies at some point. :-)
Posted by: Uncle... what was it? Orca? | September 23, 2006 at 01:47 PM