- Sunny tried to feed Nemo a chicken nugget because we have been successful in teaching her to share. I was upstairs dealing with Doctor Disrespect and his sister Distraction, and I wasn't around to protect him. Fortunately, I drove home the point that Nemo is small, so she gave him a very small piece. Apparently, I didn't do so hot with the lesson of He. Only. Gets. Milk. From. Mommy's. Breasts. And. Nothing. Else. He was fine; I wasn't.
- Little Man had to pee after school and of course didn't feel like he should mention it until AFTER the three were loaded in the car, so off we went running back into the school so he could pee. I usually don't lock my car because the alarm goes off for no reason whatsoever, but I wanted to leave my bag with the wallet in it behind, so I locked it. The hallway bathroom in the school (as opposed to those in the classrooms) is narrow, so there is no room for the double stroller, so I waited in the hallway with Nemo and Sunny while Little Man did what he had to do. He came around the corner saying "It sure is tall in here" while walking on his tiptoes. It was funny (okay, I recognize you probably had to be there). We came out of the school, and I could immediately hear the car alarm going off, so we hustled a bit, but the entrance to the school is around a corner past the playground, so my keyfob thingy wouldn't "reach" yet. As we came up the hill, there were about six moms on the playground staring off into the parking lot, and I announced "It's mine, it's fine, sorry" but apparently this had no effect, as they continued to look like meerkats on alert for a predator. I repeated myself, and they very sincerely asked if I was okay. I told them I was fine, just had a potty emergency. I've never seen ANYONE take a car alarm going off so seriously. I never do.
- I've had to call Santa on the cell phone twice to report bad behavior.
- Bulb syringe. Ketchup. Sunny. Painting. Use your imagination. Yeah, like that.
- Water from under the Christmas tree is apparently useful for washing grapes.
There were about six other things I wanted to blog about, but have since forgotten about in the ensuing chaos. I'm sorry - they were funny. We have a Christmas tree up - no lights, no ornaments, and the kids act like it's a maypole, but it's up, and watered. Trout has some sort of croupy thing - she has very mild asthma, probably from having RSV when she was 3 months old, and it only causes problems when she is sick. I was going to give her a hit from her inhaler this morning when she woke up wheezy, but BigDaddyFish sent her out to sit on the front porch instead - stroke of brilliance. Had the desired effect with no side effects, unless you count being a little chilly. But she is home from school and that means all kinds of weird messes, not to mention no babysitter/house help for me today. I was looking forward to getting a nap.
Big 6-week postpartum checkup for me tomorrow. That oughta be fun.
So, what are you doing for the holidays? Are you ready? What kind of fun or funny tradition do you have? I love the holidays and am enjoying developing traditions with our family and am open to all ideas, both commonplace and the, um, more eccentric. I love to get comments, too, so load me up. It's tough to get out with all this going on over here, so this blog is pretty much my social life. I could use some community love right now. I think I'd have postpartum depression, but I don't really have the time right now.
I know you don't really know me at all, but here's some community love!
We're having Christmas at our house this year. My parents, my husband's parents and my brother and his wife are all coming to visit. I'm 30 weeks pregnant, so it makes more sense for them to visit us than for us to travel. Besides, our son is the only grandchild on either side, so they're excited to get their holiday overdose of cuteness.
I hope you all have a great Christmas. Don't worry too much about getting tons of stuff done.
Posted by: Sally | December 20, 2006 at 04:45 PM