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April 24, 2007


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Redneck Mommy

I am so profoundly sorry for your loss.

And yet I am so grateful for your grandfather that he did not die alone, but surrounded by those who loved him.

I bet he found great comfort in that.

God Bless you and yours. Big hugs.

Uncle Orca

He was a good guy, and we should all live as long and as well.


So nice you got to be with your grandfather when he died. Glad that he was able to find out "what to do" and let go. You know we are here for you... Love, J


Oh my, I am SOOO sorry that I have not been keeping up this week and totally was not expecting this yet!

I must agree with you, what a wonderful way. You know there is NO question in his mind as to being loved tremendously by you all!

Blessings & hugs through this tough weekend, I'll be thinking of you...

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