So said BigDaddyFish a minute or so after I handed him The Dangerous Book for Boys. Seriously. He loves this book. And so do the rest of the family members.
When the Parent Bloggers Network asked for people to review this book, I jumped right in, seeing as how I'm a girl and not well versed in the ways of boys, yet tasked with raising them and all I figured it would help me bond with my boys. And it may very well. I just have to get my copy of the book back.
I was intrigued by the title, the DANGEROUS book for boys. I mean, what makes it so dangerous? I still ponder this, because quite frankly, I think it's more an ADVENTUROUS book.
Want to know how to tie a bowline knot? It's in this book. What about make the perfect paper airplane? How about making a go cart? Learning the basics of navigation? Build a great treehouse? Basic first aid? It's all in there.
What I also like about this book is that in addition to the very practical knowledge, it includes much more intellectual subjects as well, such as grammar basics, as well as an explanation as to why grammar is important, which warms the heart of this English major to no end. It lists poems every boy should know, sections on history (though to be fair, mostly military history), Shakespeare, latin, word origins, space, and the like.
And, of course, it addresses girls. The brief section on girls is ... amusing, to a girl. My only problem with this book is that it is for boys, and to my Free to Be You and Me raised self this bothered me quite a bit, because frankly the girls I like to hang out with get as much of a kick out of skipping stones and deftly tying knots as any boy. And really, one of the things it says about girls is "Avoid being vulgar. Excitable bouts of windbreaking will not endear you to a girl, just to pick one example." Maybe not some girls, but I know girls who can get just as giddy about flatulence as the next boy. But the final thing it says about girls is "Treat them with respect," and really, that's the most important thing, don't you think?
The Dangerous Book for Boys is a great book, for everyone, especially in this overly scheduled culture in which we now live. My husband said he wishes he had this book when he was a kid. I'm glad that my kids do.
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What does it say about girls burping? ;-)
Posted by: Uncle Orca | May 01, 2007 at 01:01 AM
I'd really like to get this book for my boys!
Posted by: Carmen | May 02, 2007 at 09:39 PM