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August 02, 2007


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Redneck mommy

I'm not that tall. You're just exceptionally vertically challenged.

Wink, wink.

It was wonderful to meet you. But I was saddened that I didn't have more time to actually sit down and chat with you. I would have loved that.

And then we could have seen each other eye to eye.


And Nemo was a beauty. Good work woman!

Redneck mommy

I'm not that tall. You're just exceptionally vertically challenged.

Wink, wink.

It was wonderful to meet you. But I was saddened that I didn't have more time to actually sit down and chat with you. I would have loved that.

And then we could have seen each other eye to eye.


And Nemo was a beauty. Good work woman!


You are too kind. And I was so glad to meet you as well.

I'm still in awe of how you were actually dressed with your clothes on the right way with FOUR kids.

You are amazing.


Well, you are strong and wonderful your own self, especially with all you had to deal with this past weekend.

Let's get together soon!!!


Sounds awesome! Maybe I'll make it next year, although I am sure that it will not be so close to me *sigh*


It was such a pleasure to meet you and your son on the shuttle! And I was so inspired by your awesome shoes that I bought a pair of blue flats when I got home. OK I was more jealous than anything...

Her Bad Mother

LOVED meeting you, too, lady!

(Also, am not that brilliant. The hair just makes it seem that way.)

Sheila at Family Travel

Sorry I'm so late to the party; am just getting caught up after a laptop meltdown.

Glad to meet another NASCAR with no Bud and no #8, what IS Dale Jr.'s rig going to look like next season? :)

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