If you are breastfeeding, and you start feeling like you have been shot with a shotgun in your breast, and you are exhausted as though you were doing hard physical labor, like digging ditches or working landscaping for Satan who absolutely DOES NOT want LAVA rocks, or something, then get thee to the doctor ASAP because you have mastitis and it is not something to screw around with. You may or may not have a fever. You may or may not have red or pink streaks on your breast in the spot where it feels like you have been shot, and they may or may not be hot to the touch - if you want to punch your husband for just LOOKING at your breasts, let alone doing something completely egregious like, I dunno, BREATHING on them, they are infected.
And just so you know, right before you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner is NOT the time to get mastitis and have your doctor's office tell you when you call that they can fit you in tomorrow after 3 when you call today at 9am, like I did yesterday. I still don't have my antibiotics, and I am NOT happy. I have lost my cleaning time yesterday and probably most of today, too.
OMGoodness Fishy Girl...Nooooooo!
I am so sorry to hear that. I feel for you, as you know I have had more than one problem with my boobs, and now I have Kaden cracking up over my shoulder because he just read the word BOOBS! Anyway, I hope you get some meds & feel better ASAP. Maybe (fingers crossed) you can feel better by Thursday & enjoy some good eatin'
Posted by: Angi | November 21, 2007 at 11:31 AM
'Boob'. Teehee.
Posted by: Agincourtdb | November 21, 2007 at 11:45 PM