This is a teeny, tiny blog, with a teeny, tiny (but distinguished) audience, and you know I love you all, but who wouldn't want another reader or two to discover her little piece of the planet? Nordette over at BlogHer has asked for 100 parenting bloggers who would like to be interviewed by her, and of course, since I have a big, fat mouth tend toward the loquacious, I want to do this. So, to follow the rules:
- My name is FishyGirl and this is The Fish Pond, and you can find out something about me here.
- I want to be profiled as a parent blogger on BlogHer, and if you do, too, you can find out more about it over here.
- I have been blogging for about a year and a half.
- I'm supposed to pass this on to three bloggers who I think should be profiled, so I'd like to see Angi, Summer, and Her Bad Mother be interviewed, the wilder the questions, the better.
Sound like something you'd like to do and pissed off because I didn't tag you? Well, go ahead and do the meme yourself, and tag yourself, or something.
Come on, everybody's doing it - you know you wanna.
Ooooh, interviews! Interviews are fun. I'd love to read your interview!
Posted by: Her Bad Mother | November 16, 2007 at 11:56 AM