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December 30, 2007


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Redneck Mommy

Congrats on the new van! I'm trying to contain my jealousy!

I'm so glad to have met you this summer at Blogher. I only hope our paths cross again one day and we can take some time for a good gab session.

May the new year bring you oodles of joy, loads of happiness and more love than you can shake a stick at.

Peace, my friend. And big fat sloppy kisses to ya. Cuz that's how I roll.

Wink, wink.


I was so glad to have met you! Truly, truly, truly.

Here's a a great 2008!


If I get ambitious tomorrow, I'll tackle this list.

Happy new year. Best wishes for 2008.


Thank you for making me feel better about my own answer to #16!

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