Today marks the beginning of American Heart Month, and is also National Wear Red Day. For me, it isn't enough to wear red for one day, so for the month of February, The Fish Pond will be wearing red, too.
As anyone who has perused my archives knows, my mother died at age 37, from a heart attack. Thirty-seven. That's much too young by anybody's standard. My sister and I were motherless at the ages of 15 and 12. That's too young, too.
We thought heart disease was an old person's disease. We learned otherwise, the hard way. We learned the hard way that heart disease is the number one killer in this country. Number one. And we also learned that heart disease is the number one killer of women, not just men. We learned that no matter how young you are, you need to take care of your heart.
This month, think about your heart. Think about the people that are dear to yours. Learn the warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Encourage your legislators to support legislation to fund heart health initiatives. Get involved in causes to further education and awareness about heart disease. Get some exercise. Eat some vegetables that aren't deep fried. If you are able to, donate to the American Heart Association.
Take care of yourself, because your heart is important.
Not for nothing, but I haven't had any of those chest pains since I stopped having a venti mocha frapp every day. :-) Yay, me.
Posted by: Agincourtdb | February 04, 2008 at 06:40 PM