Nemo woke up in the night with a horrible barky cough, and while we were at the doctor this morning getting his croup medicine, the other 3 stayed home with BigDaddyFish. I was gone from home maybe, MAYBE, 1.5 hours. MAYBE.
In that time, the bigs took out every single breakable item from our hutch and spread them out on the table, got into the flour, sugar, and cornmeal cannisters, spread apple jacks, corn pops, and honey nut cheerios from one end of the living room to the other (where they are not supposed to have ANY food), filled up two lead crystal vases with apple jacks, spread sugar all over the floor, took out every game piece from 2 games that were supposed to have been up too high to reach, and Sunny made "chocolate milk" with milk, sugar, cornmeal and a lollipop and spilled it in our front entryway.
In the less than two hours since I've been home, it has been a non-stop fightfest, complete with punches thrown AT ME. I haven't yet eaten breakfast and it's almost noon, and I only remembered the frozen foods I brought into the house but failed to put away, half an hour ago.
Silly me. Today was the first day of summer vacation, and here I was looking forward to sleeping in, to lazy days of popsicles and picnics and the pool. BDF and I stayed up til (ridiculously early this morning) playing Guitar Hero (we got another controller, so I play lead and he plays bass or rhythm) and having a great time. What the hell made me think that just because the monsters lovely, blessed children don't have school or anywhere else to go, I get to sleep in? Who do I think I am?
That sounds frighteningly like what happens when I leave my children with daddy. He's a wonderful father, but not so good at paying attention sometimes.
My oldest looked at me on her first day of summer break, after having accomanied me to the grocery store and dry cleaners and watched me run three loads of laundry, clean the kitchen and vacuum, and asked "Is this what you do all day?" I had a hard time not knocking her into next week.
Posted by: hokgardner | June 13, 2008 at 12:19 PM
Not that I hit my kids. But it's what I wanted to do.
Posted by: hokgardner | June 13, 2008 at 12:20 PM
It must be in the water. Michael has been terrible today and now won't nap. I need coffee.
Posted by: jodifur | June 13, 2008 at 02:25 PM
Where in the HECK was BDF during all this mayhem??????????
Posted by: Fish-flopper | June 13, 2008 at 07:42 PM
yeah, this sounds like mt house too, I am SO tired of summer right now I could just scream...
Posted by: angi | June 15, 2008 at 12:41 AM