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July 23, 2008


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I'm so sorry. My birthday was the 21st, and my husband worked all night. I barely even saw him. I think really some days are like that, especially on your birthday.

I did a post like this once too. That was one of my favorite childhood books.


Oh, and of course, happy birthday anyway


I am so, so sorry about your day. It beat my bad birthday by a mile, even if I did spend several hours combing lice out of my hair and the girls' hair. I hope today is a better one, and I think you should declare a do-over. I did that several years ago.


Oh honey, Happy Birthday for all of us in our house! I've had those birthdays many times. At least you know the cake turned out ok. And you can eat as much as you want, it's your cake anyway. I vote to keep it all, and everyone else can suffer!! :)


awwwww, Fishy Girl! I am sorry your birthday was not a good day for you :( I agree with the do-over comment, it is worth a try, right?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from our crazy house to yours :)


You totally deserve a 'do-over' !!!!!!!

I'm sorry your bday was so bad, I hope the coming days are better!


Happy B-day!

I'm sorry your b-day was so bad, sucky b-days suck, I know, I've been there.

We should make plans to go out for drinks! Just us, no kids.


Ooooh, Mary, I'm so, so sorry. I hope that today is a better day for you. I hope you got all of the awful for the entire YEAR out yesterday.

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