Nemo, for his incredible achievement of 105.3 degrees. We are so very proud of him.
Thankfully he is spent and the fever broke this morning. It was over 105 all weekend. He sat up Saturday morning after the horrible second night of nursing nonstop all night long, pointed to his throat and said "Huwt. Huwt." A more pitiful thing I'm not sure I've seen. So we did the dreaded Saturday morning pediatrician run, which actually wasn't so bad at all. They apparently have a new nurse who we haven't encountered before who was so cute on the phone. "Do you know where our office is?" Uh, yeah. When do you want me to come in? "Well, as soon as you can get here, of course." Very cute.
Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with the dreaded Coxackie virus, nothing they can do for him, keep giving him advil and go around with him attached to your body for the next 48 hours because he is miserable and doesn't want to do anything but nurse. I can't begin to tell you how much fun that was. And can someone please tell me why my kids felt they had to wake me up to tell me that my boob was hanging out no less than three times during the one two-hour non-nap that we were able to take on Saturday afternoon? I was in my own room, for Pete's sake, no one there to see me except them when they came in. Which they had no reason to do at all.
So I've done little but nurse the baby and daydream about my vacation for the past six days. I certainly wasn't doing any sleeping. He was all hot and twitchy and having trouble sleeping and using me as a human pacifier, and we were a bit worried. Only a bit, though, because high fevers run in the family (note that he only received the silver - Trout still holds gold medal status with a blistering 105.6). I'm just exhausted at this point.
So! A little bloggy business! That vacation I mentioned? Because we are Parents of the Year, we are pulling our spawn out of school the second week of school for a boondoggle to the Outer Banks for a week of eating sand and running away from waves. My wonderful next door neighbors will be watching the house, feeding the fish, and watering the plants, but I could use a few blogsitters to keep the Pond lively in my absence. Please let me know if you are interested - I'll need posts by Friday so I can pre-load them. The house we rented doesn't have Internet access (I know!).
In the mean time, you'll have to bide your time for a day or so for me to recover before we get to such titillating topics (HA!) as the fact that Nemo is "still" breastfeeding, my adventure in bus riding following a wonderful lunch downtown, and how I feel about the new school year starting tomorrow.
Hope he is feeling better FAST & you all start sleeping agagin soon. I am SO jealous about your vacation, I've heard WONDERFUL things about the Outer Banks. Have a great time :)
Posted by: angi | August 25, 2008 at 02:00 PM
Oh poor Nemo and poor you. We went through a similar virus with Campbell in July. It was so scary. Hope he feels better soon.
Posted by: hokgardner | August 25, 2008 at 02:38 PM
Oh wow poor Nemo! Michael had that and it was terrible. Best thing for hi was milkshakes.
Let me know if there is anything I can do!
Posted by: jodifur | August 27, 2008 at 09:53 AM