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February 19, 2009


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I am so jealous! Enjoy every minute of your time away. You deserve it. And I hope it works in terms of nursing. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.


I need no luck, for I am superbabysitter! :-)


Wow. If you know of any more blog posts involving boobs, please let me know.

Kudos to your commitment to breast feeding for so long.

De in D.C.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that this plan works! You totally deserve to have your body back. And if it doesn't, at least you'll enjoy a weekend away :) That, in itself, is priceless.


I hope everything went swimmingly.

I, am a riot.


OMG! I thought I was alone. No, really. My daughter turned 2.5 at the beginning of the month and it feels like she will be nursing until she heads to college. On the one hand I'm ready to be done and on the other is her insisting that the only thing she ever wants in this life is NuNu's.

I weaned my first on a trip. Dad and him went on a trip while the baby and I stayed back. Upon his arrival home he asked twice and was easily distracted.

She spent the night at Nana's on Saturday and I'm sitting here typing this with cabbage leaves on my breasts because they were engorged from eing away from her for 12 hours. I can't imagine a whole weekend!

I hope it worked!


Hope you guys HAD FUN !!!!!!

I think I mentioned to you awhile back about a habit- you can break a habit in 4 days, now, that doesn't mean they are EASY days...


Doctoral Dissertation

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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