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June 10, 2009


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I've been potty training Michael for a year. I do not find this post amusing.


he's potty-adjacent.


I'm pretty sure that's what is going to happen with Emily. She's my 4th and only 27 months, and with all the other little kids around (I run a home daycare, and have 6 under the age of 5 plus her) I was kinda hoping she would catch on, but so far, it's been pretty hit-and-miss. I put her in underwear when she wants, and pull-ups when she wants those instead. I figure at this point, it's just too much effort for me. Maybe this summer I'll just kick her outside with just a pair of underwear on, and maybe she will figure it out. You have to chose your battles, and this is one I'm not willing to fight right now. Maybe later, but not at this point.


We've gotten out a little potty for Campbell, and he enjoys sitting on it, but that's as far as it's gone. His preschool teacher is a zen master of potty training, and she's started working with the kids. I'm perfectly happy to let her do the heavy work.


I think you're on to something here !


That sounds like such a good idea, and it gives them a choice as to when. Its fantastic. I'd probably use this method when i finally have kids and need to potty train.

(i came here via jodifur)

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