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October 05, 2009


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I'll wear jeans and pants and shorts a couple of times (maybe three) before washing them. I can only wear shirts one day, if that, because of the small people in the house smearing things on them all the time.


My kids and I all wear our pants at least twice, sometimes 3 times before throwing them in the wash. And sweatshirts/jackets, at least a week. Unless of course, the toddler dumps something all over one of us, then it's straight into the washing machine. :)

De in D.C.

Heck, I'll wear work-pants & skirts a dozen times before washing them, providing I didn't have any accidents or drag a hem or something. It's not like I'm sweating through my pants sitting in my temperature-controlled cube. Shirts I'll do 3-4 times if they aren't sweaty, and regular pants maybe 4-5 times. I tend to change clothes a lot depending on what I'm doing, so it's rare I'll wear an outfit sun up to sun down. What I'm saying is, 5 days for a pair of pants isn't really 5 days, it's more like 3 days ;)

I only let the boy wear stuff once before washing. That kid is stiiiiiinky!! (Ok, maybe twice for a pair of shorts, but that's it!)


Jeans get worn a few times by the adults, but the kids all manage to get the dirty every single day - ugh! If they do manage to keep them clean, I would make them re-wear them another day too. Jackets & sweaters they wear until they get them obviously dirty & you know that is not very long :)

Sue @ Laundry for Six

We mostly wear things at least twice. But I have one child who REFUSES to put anything on again that has been worn, even for an hour. So...shhh... don't tell, but I throw those clothes in the dryer with a sheet of Bounce and put them back in his dresser.


Depends on the time of year really -- summer = more sweat & smell, in winter clothes last longer. I've been known to wear something more than two days in a row. That's all I'll say.


I very rarely wash jackets. Only when the dirt becomes visible. Pants get worn two or 3 days depending on the type. I have some pants that are strtchy and look lkike they're been worn after wearing them. They just don't fit right again until they've been washed. Shirts depend on length of time worn. But they mostly get washed every time though, because my husband is a freak and rounds up the dirty laundry too often. And then my mostly clean clothes get piled in the laundry room with all the not clean at all clothes and they have to be washed. But I don't complain about that at all. It could be worse.

The kids don't ever get to wear anything twice yet. They're much too dirty for that.

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