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August 15, 2010


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Good for you. Sometimes you just have to do it.


Good for you. In order to effectively lose weight and keep it off, it has to be an entire lifestyle change which sounds like what you are doing. Finding the courage to break out of comfortable routines and make real changes for the better is very admirable.

Wife and Mommy

Way to go! That's just awesome.


Excellent advice, especially about the serving sizes! I can often get 2 or 3 healthy serving-size meals out of restaurant meals. The other day I ordered one piece of chocolate cake as a treat for myself, and it was four times bigger than I thought it would be. I'm not kidding. My husband and I together ate a fourth of it.


Restaurants are nuts - I dont eat out much anymore, but if I do when its not a day off, I automatically pack up at least half my meal to take home, and I get at least one, usually two more meals out of it. Its crazy. And I dont get dessert - Ive had a hard enough time convincing Brusters that I dont want the equivalent of 2.5 scoops of frozen yogurt in my single scoop. I make them give me the toddler serving, but I really wish I didnt have to.


I thought it would be. I'm not kidding. My husband and I together ate a fourth of it.

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