So, remember my ankle? The one I broke back on July 2?
It's still broken. I know!
I wore a boot for 2.5 months, did PT for 8 weeks, and it was still hurting and more concerning, still swollen. My PT suggested wearing compression socks, but I went to a foot specialist who has been treating Trout for pain and joint instability; he's the only one who diagnosed her with one leg longer than the other (which should even out as she grows and we are treating with orthodics in the meantime).
Anyway, I saw the foot doctor a couple of weeks ago, and he re-xrayed it and looked grumpy and sent me for a CT scan. CT scan showed that the bone hasn't healed. He prescribed 6 more weeks in the boot, vitamin D and calcium supplements, and a bone stimulator. Thankfully the insurance company is paying for the bone stimulator in full, and while I was getting the device today, he noticed I had a short boot and apparently a light bulb went off.
I broke my fibula, which is one of the two bones in your lower leg, the one on the outside of the leg. Even though the break is down in the ankle, the entire bone needs to be immobilized to allow for proper healing, otherwise every time I move the leg it's tweaking the break.
Enter Das Boot v2.0, now with bone stimulating device!
I have to wear the stimulator 24 hours a day, except when I'm in the shower. Which, I dunno, sleeping with a cell phone attached to my leg doesn't sound restful, so we'll see. I hate this boot, because it comes up so much higher than the other one, and my mobility is so much more restricted. Good thing almost all my pants are bootcut.
In other news, the kids have been trading illnesses back and forth for three weeks, BigDaddyFish had his gallbladder removed a couple of weeks ago; it was full of stones that varied in size from 2mm to 1cm, and he couldn't pass any of them. He'd been in pain and not sleeping for months, and we are so grateful that he can both eat and sleep again, which means so can the rest of us.
I am so not ready for Christmas. We have a tree up, but nothing on it. Thank God for prime and online shopping. I hope you and your family have (or had, if applicable) a wonderful holiday. Thank you so much for reading my nonsense - I appreciate you more than you know.